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Definition of Done

In the context of agile development, DOD (Definition of Done) serves as a checklist that a team goes trough before declaring a product or feature finished. Its role is to prevent confusion between the team and other stakeholders regarding the true meaning of "done." For instance, it may include tasks such as ensuring code quality, completing testing procedures, finalizing all documentation, and incorporating user feedback.

  1. Pair reviewed: For the inital review, at least one other team member is assigned to validate the quality and compatibility of the work, providing valuable feedback.
  2. Testing: All necessary tests, including unit tests, integration tests and acceptance tests, have been conducted, and the project has successfully met all relevant test criteria.
  3. Documentation: Documentation is created or updated every time there is a change or new information available. This ensures that all participants have clear information regarding the project and its status.
  4. Implementation in version control: The code or artifacts relevant to the task have been successfully committed or merged into the relevant version control system, guaranteeing accurate tracking and version management.
  5. Together reviewed: The team has collaboratively reviewed the work, providing feedback, seeking clarification, and identifying any potential issues or areas for improvement.