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Risk Management Plan

RISK ID Description Impact Prevention/Action if the risk materializes
#01 Team member is sick Medium Other will do tasks if needed
#02 Team member leaves group Medium Everyone should know how to act a little in all roles.
#03 Team leader leaves group High The division of labor must be reconsidered.
#04 Too many features Medium Features is needed to be chosen after careful thinking process and accepted together.
#05 Communication problems High Maintenance of a good working atmosphere. Everyone should have the right to an opinion.
#06 Skillset is too low for task High Careful familiarization or changing goals for task.
#07 Work platform is crashed High Backup platform in such case.
#08 Too much work for one person High Have to make sure that everyone has something to do.
#09 Work has started too late Medium Scheduling must be done carefully and must be followed
#10 Workload has been estimated incorrectly High Should be done carefully and focus on the most difficult tasks and features.
#11 Documentation is minimal Medium Documentation has to be started early.
#12 Major changes during the project High A precise and careful plan before the actual work is needed.
#13 The budget has been estimated incorrectly Medium Should be done carefully and focus on the most difficult tasks and features.
#14 The chosen tools turn out to be worse than expected Medium Careful familiarization with tools and it is good to go through the other options as well.
#15 Problems setting up the environment Medium Remember to ask for help if there is problems.

Severity descriptions

Severity class Description Other
S1 Force Major - Total show stopper
S2 Makes it considerably more difficult
S3 Possible
S4 Low affect
S5 No immediate affect, to be observed