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User Feedback service (FEA519)

Document Type Feature Description
Feature FEA519
Author Sonja Wesa
Version 0.2
Date 21.02.2021


This feature enables the collection of user feedback to a separate service. This allows for processing feedback by individuals without GitLab access. Additionally, it provides an easier way to revisit the feedback when needed.

Linked Use Case Use Case
Linked Requirements ReqID list
Constraints Constraint
Documentation links -

As an administrator, I want to collect feedback from users through a better solution than straight-to-GitLab tickets.#128

User Interface MockUp

If necessary, attach a description in the form of an image / mockup view. It clarifies the intended use of the feature.

uml diagram

Testing / possible approval criteria

Test Case Description
Acceptance Test Case Acceptance Test
Functional System Test Case Test Case
Security Test Case Test Case