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Securely authenticate user accounts

Document Type Use Case Description
Feature FEA102
Author Sonja Wesa
Version 0.1
Date 21.02.2021

User roles

  1. End User

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Database and user interface for login/registeration
  2. Application already functions more or less as intended

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. Open the application
  2. Click label login/register
  3. Enter information
  4. Send confirmation to given email
  5. Use crendentials to log in


  • No known exceptions


  • Given email and password are stored to database. Database won't allow duplicate emails.
  • If entered email and password match a pair in database, user is logged in. Otherwise user is asked to check crendential correctness.
  • If user asks account removal, account is removed from database
  • If user can't remember correct password, they can ask a new one via confirmated email

Use frequency

  • When user uses from new device or has logged off
  • Registeration is once per email

Additional information


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.