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Master Test Plan

Document Master Test Plan
Author: Juuso Le, Sonja Wesa
Version: Ver 0.1
Date: 8.3.2024

General information

A master test plan (MTP) is a high-level document that describes the overall testing strategy, objectives, and scope for a software project or product. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key decisions, resources, risks, and deliverables involved in the testing process. It also defines the relationship and coordination among different test levels, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. An MTP helps to ensure that the testing activities are aligned with the project goals and requirements, and that the quality of the software is verified and validated. You can find more information about MTPs from these sources:

Master Test Plan

1. Introduction

The Master Test Plan (MTP) serves as a foundational document in software testing, providing a comprehensive overview of the testing strategy, objectives, and scope for a project or product. Its purpose is to guide testing activities by defining the overall approach, identifying key resources and risks, and ensuring alignment with project goals and user expectations, ultimately contributing to the successful delivery of a reliable and user-friendly product.

2. Test Objectives

Test objectives encompass the goals and targets of testing activities, guiding efforts to ensure that the software or system meets specific requirements. These objectives typically include verifying functional correctness, assessing usability, evaluating performance, ensuring security, validating compatibility, confirming reliability, and promoting maintainability. By defining clear and measurable objectives, testing teams can effectively plan, prioritize, and execute testing activities to enhance the quality and readiness of the software or system for deployment.

3. Test Items

Map rendering and display functionality Route planning and navigation algorithms Search functionality for locations, addresses Traffic data accuracy and real-time updates Accessibility features for users with disabilities User interface responsiveness and usability across different devices and screen sizes Integration with other services such as ride-sharing apps or public transportation information Data privacy and security measures for user location information

4. Features to be Tested

Feature Name Functional User Story
FEA102 Securely authenticate user accounts US002 US004
FEA106 Improve dark mode colors US045
FEA109 Search location by name US052
FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness US046
FEA112 Change branding to team and JAMK brand US062
FEA410 HTTPS Connection US028
FEA508 Set up monitoring and alerting systems US031
FEA519 User Feedback service US063

5. Features not to be Tested

Feature Name Functional User Story
FEA507 Manage cloud-based infrastructure US030
FEA511 Maintain good documentation of the architecture and pipelines US034
FEA516 Manual Testing US60
FEA517 Maintainable Documentation US61

6. Approach

Unit testing: Individual software components will be tested for functionality and correctness. Integration testing: Communication and interaction between different components will be tested. System testing: Functionality of the entire system will be tested against requirements. Acceptance testing: System will be validated by users to ensure it meets their needs. if needed for automation, robotframework will do

7. Item Pass/Fail Criteria

Feature Name Pass/Fail Criteria
FEA102 Securely authenticate user accounts User is able to create and delete their accout. User is able to log in their account. Password encryption works and passwords are secured.
FEA106 Improve dark mode colors Dark mode colors pop out more.
FEA109 Search location by name User is able to type to search bar. Map moves to desired location.
FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness Contrast between colors is enchanced.
FEA112 Change branding to team and JAMK brand All branding regarding IoTude/WimmaLab is removed and changed to Kaizen/JAMK.
FEA410 HTTPS Connection HTTPS connection works on most common browsers.
FEA508 Set up monitoring and alerting systems The monitoring system automatically alerts to problems and addresses the most common ones.
FEA519 User Feedback service USer is able to open feedback service box. User is able to type into feedback box. Feedback box notifies to user that feedback has been sent. Feedback goes smoothly to feedback service.

8. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

Suspension Criteria:

Critical Bugs: If critical defects significantly impact software stability, security, or functionality, testing may be suspended until they are resolved. Resource Unavailability: If essential resources like hardware, software licenses, or testing environments are unavailable for an extended period, testing may be suspended.

Resumption Requirements:

Bug Resolution: Critical bugs identified during testing must be resolved before testing can resume. Resource Availability: Ensure all necessary resources are available for testing to resume effectively.

9. Test Deliverables

The test plan will be developed to ascertain the software's readiness for deployment to the world. Test cases will be formulated during the testing phase and closed based on their success criteria. Test scripts will be utilized as needed. Test data will be employed for testing purposes, and comprehensive test reports will be generated. These reports will include defect reports to facilitate issue recreation with clear guidance.

10. Testing Tasks


Review Requirements: Thoroughly understand the system functionalities and user expectations. Test Plan Creation: Develop a document outlining the overall testing strategy, including scope, schedule, resources, and types of testing to be performed. Test Case Design: Create detailed test cases for each testing level (unit, integration, system, acceptance) specifying expected behavior and inputs/outputs. Test Environment Setup: Configure the necessary hardware, software, and network environment for testing. Tool Selection and Installation: Choose and set up any required testing tools (e.g., testing frameworks, automation tools) based on the project needs.


Test Case Execution: Run the designed test cases manually or using automated tools, recording results (pass/fail) and any encountered issues. Defect Reporting: Document identified bugs and errors with clear descriptions, steps to reproduce, and expected behavior. Defect Tracking: Log and track reported defects using a bug tracking system, monitoring their resolution progress. Regression Testing: Re-execute relevant test cases after bug fixes to ensure they are resolved effectively.


Test Reporting: Prepare a comprehensive test report summarizing the testing activities, results, encountered issues, and overall system quality assessment. Test Archives: Organize and store all created test documentation (plans, cases, reports) for future reference and traceability.

11. Environmental Needs


Testing machines: Computers with sufficient processing power, memory, and storage capacity to run the system and testing tools effectively. Network infrastructure: Reliable network connection with adequate bandwidth to support test execution, especially for web applications or applications reliant on network communication. Additional hardware: Specific hardware requirements might exist depending on the system under test, such as specialized devices or sensors for hardware-based functionalities.


Operating system: Compatible operating system version(s) as required by the system under test and testing tools. Development environment: Development environment or IDE setup (if applicable) for code compilation, debugging, and running unit tests. Testing tools: Installation and configuration of chosen testing frameworks, automation tools, and any other relevant software needed for test execution and management.


Network configuration: Specific network configurations might be necessary to simulate real-world usage scenarios, including security settings, firewall configurations, or network access control. Internet access: Depending on the system, internet access might be required for online functionalities, downloading test data, or utilizing cloud-based testing resources.

Additional Considerations:

Security: Proper security measures should be implemented to protect the testing environment from unauthorized access, data breaches, or vulnerabilities. Data management: Access to appropriate test data sets that reflect real-world or diverse use cases is crucial. Version control: If test automation scripts or other testing assets are developed, consider implementing version control systems for tracking changes and ensuring consistency.

12. Responsibilities

Juuso Le has the role as a tester, he responsible for meticulously uncovering pertinent information essential to identifying and resolving potential software bugs. Should he encounter challenges, he will not hesitate to seek assistance from my colleagues. Additionally, he may enlist the support of other team members to replicate and validate identified issues.

13. Staffing and Training Needs

When necessary, Juuso will undergo training or familiarization to enhance his skills. Otherwise, testing will be conducted based on existing knowledge. Juuso is committed to seeking assistance from his colleagues whenever required, leveraging their expertise to ensure comprehensive testing.

14. Schedule

Feature Name Functional User Story Dates
FEA102 Securely authenticate user accounts US002 US004 Mar 25 - Apr 19
FEA106 Improve dark mode colors US045 Mar 11 - Mar 22
FEA109 Search location by name US052 Mar 11 - Mar 22
FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness US046 Mar 4 - Apr 19
FEA112 Change branding to team and JAMK brand US062 Mar 11 - Mar 22
FEA410 HTTPS Connection US028 Mar 11 - Mar 22
FEA506 Implement automated build and deployment pipeline US021 Mar 4 - Apr 19
FEA507 Manage cloud-based infrastructure US030 Mar 4 - Apr 19
FEA508 Set up monitoring and alerting systems US031 Mar 11 - Mar 22
FEA511 Maintain good documentation of the architecture and pipelines US034 Mar 4 - Apr 19
FEA516 Manual Testing US60 Mar 25 - Apr 19
FEA517 Maintainable Documentation US61 Mar 4 - Apr 19
FEA519 User Feedback service US063 Apr 8 - Apr 19

15. Risks and Contingencies

Potential risks to testing activities include resource constraints, scope creep, technical challenges, dependency issues, and security concerns. Contingencies involve optimizing resources, managing scope, addressing technical issues promptly, establishing clear communication channels, implementing security measures, and conducting thorough performance testing. These strategies help mitigate disruptions and ensure successful testing outcomes.

16. Approvals

Approval will be conducted by one or more team members who are not involved in the testing process. This ensures an impartial assessment of the software's readiness for deployment.