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Document Offer
Author: Sonja Wesa
Version: 1.0
Date: 23/02/2024

Recipient of the offer: Combitech Oy

Referring to your request for offer request 22.01.2024, we offer you the following service product:

1. Object of the tender and procurement situation

The Tukko Traffic Visualizer helps users make smart choices by showing complicated data in an easy-to-understand way. It makes information more accessible and ensures that servers work at their best. We suggest adding these features to improve the Tukko Traffic Visualizer:

For example

  • FEA102 Securely authenticating the account.
  • FEA106 Improving dark mode colors for readability, aesthetics, and overall user satisfaction.
  • FEA110 Enhancing color contrast for color blindness to ensure accessibility and usability.
  • FEA112 Adjusting the project's branding.
  • FEA507 Configuring and managing cloud-based infrastructure.
  • FEA517 Maintainable documentation covering code commenting and readability, user guides, and system architecture for efficient collaboration, troubleshooting, and future development.
  • FEA511 Maintainable documentation covering service architecture and piplines for efficient collaboration, troubleshooting, and future development.
  • FEA516 Manual and exploratory testing will ensure a reliable environment for the application.
  • FEA410 Establis an additional security layer against unauthorized access.
  • FEA519 Enables the collection of user feedback to a separate service.
  • FEA109 Allows users to easily locate specific places by searching for their names.
  • FEA508 Automates the monitoring and response to health and performance issues.

**A more detailed description can be found in requirements specification

2. Objectives, requirements and proposed solutions

3. Delivery and release plan

The Project plan provides detailed insights into the project's steps. Release plan


  • E1 Signing of the project agreement on February 26rd, 2024
  • E2 Final testing plan made on March 22, 2024
  • E3 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) April 12, 2024
  • E4 Commissioning on May 3, 2024

  • Preliminary test plan

4. Prices and charges

Total price € 91,100.00 (incl. VAT 24%), according to the following schedule

  • payment point € due date *
  • E1 Signing of the Agreement 30,000.00 on February 26, 2024
  • E2 Final testing plan 20,000.00 March 22, 2024
  • E3 Approval testing 20,000.00 on April 12, 2024
  • E4 Commissioning 21,100.00 on May 3, 2024
  • Payment due date 7 days from the stage

Division of labor:

  • Control + administration 9.6%
  • definition and design 12.6%
  • coding and testing 22.5%
  • documentation 19.7%

5. Supplier Introduction

  • Project group Kaizen
  • for more information, contact Ville Ojanperä (

6. Other things to consider

  • As committed students, we are highly motivated to work on this project, balancing it with our studies. We will maintain open and proactive communication to ensure that we meet project timelines.

  • The offer is valid until 26.2.2024

Signatures 23.02.2024

Ville Ojanperä project manager